2025 Federal Funding Freeze Updates:
Child Care
Statement on Impact 1/30
The Department of Health and Social Services and the Department of Education have confirmed with the Office of the Governor that the federal funding freeze memo has been rescinded as of January 29, 2025.
All payments that are supported by federal funding will continue uninterrupted at this time. This includes Purchase of Care payments, Child and Adult Food Program, and Head Start payments directly to programs from the federal government.
State Funded Early Care and Education partners receive state funds only; therefore, they would not be impacted by a freeze of federal funds.
Freeze Status 1/29 1:15pm
The White House Office of Management and Budget has rescinded a Trump administration directive pausing federal loans, grants and other financial assistance, a White House official said on Wednesday.
Report Impact - Gov. Meyer
Governor Matt Meyer recognizes there is a lot of confusion and concern surrounding the recent federal funding freeze. We want to hear from you. Click this link or call our office at (302) 577-3210 to share your comments, stories, and information about how this federal executive order is affecting you, your organization, your business, or your family.
Head Start Update
Please find information shared by the National Head Start Association: Press Release
Freeze Status 1/29
U.S. District Judge Loren L. AliKhan blocked the funding freeze only minutes before it was scheduled to take effect. The administrative stay, prompted by a lawsuit brought by nonprofit groups that receive federal money, lasts until Monday afternoon. Another court hearing is scheduled that morning to consider the issue.
deaeyc Press Release 1/28
Click here to read deaeyc's response.
Early education and child care providers are crucial to Delaware’s workforce and economy. The
funding pause could affect a wide range of programs that support lower-income households,
including Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, state grants for child care, Head Start, the Child
and Adult Care Food Program, and the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants,
and Children (SNAP/WIC).
Email from Dept. of Ed
Sent 1/28 at 7:00PM
Dear Early Childhood Providers,
We have heard concerns about the federal funding pause. We will share additional information and guidance as we receive it.
Thank you,
Department of Education, Early Childhood Support team
deaeyc will be updating this page as often as we receive new information.
We have reached out to our supporting agencies to confirm information and are hopeful for uninterrupted payments and services.
We were included in the statewide call with both our Federal and State leadership and will continue to receive updates.
Report Impact - Gov. Meyer
Governor Matt Meyer recognizes there is a lot of confusion and concern surrounding the recent federal funding freeze. We want to hear from you. Click this link or call our office at (302) 577-3210 to share your comments, stories, and information about how this federal executive order is affecting you, your organization, your business, or your family.